Papua New Guinea

Lamana Hotel, Room 1, Famagusta Road, Waigani, Port Moresby,

+675 7231 2238

8:00am - 8:00pm Customer Support

7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Mon - Sat) 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Sunday)

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Sunday)

Patient's testimonies

Korakwan Kenai

My name is Korakwan Kenai, I come from Wabag. I lost my teeth due to tooth decay. I started visiting public clinics since 2015 because of tooth aches that I couldn't bear. Recently I needed immediate attention so my children took me to the LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC where all my dental treatments where finally completed. I am a happy customer of LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC, now. As you can see I am very happy with my teeth: I can smile and enjoy my meal especially. Thank you, LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC team 💙!


Hello everyone! My name is Roland. I am a businessman and reside in Mt. Hagen. It has always been a problem of mine to see a dentist to seek for my dental needs. I lost few of my back teeth making it so hard for me to chew. I happen to be in POM so i took the opportunity to visit Lamana Dental Clinic. I am writing this to express my thanks for the excellent service that they give to me. The front staff were much accommodating and they answered every question i have. When i met the Doctor I didn’t feel any fear at all. And my denture results far exceeded my expectations. I can chew better now and can eat the food that i have a hard time eating before. Now I am happy and can smile with a complete teeth. I was so amazed by the transformation and surprise that such change could be carried out in such short period of time. Once again thank you all the staff and Doctors at Lamana Dental clinic for giving great service.

Levi Junior Toarino

My name is Levi Junior Toarino. I reside in Port Moresby. Last year, I had to remove my 4 front teeth at one of the dental clinic in Port Moresby. I looked bad after the extraction so they did a denture for me but I wasn’t satisfied with it at all. The denture was loose, it didn’t fit well and was hurting my gum causing a sore, so I gave up and stopped to wear it. I felt very bad and unhappy. I know that it is not nice to criticize others but I must admit that they didn’t do a good job for me at all. Then, I discovered on facebook that LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC was offering dental services and there was a promotion discount for dentures. Despite my bad experiences with dentures, I decided to try again - but with LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC this time. I made an appointment. The service provided there, was quite satisfactory and the denture they did, fitted well, looked good and is quite comfortable to wear. I do not know what was the problem with the first denture, I am not a dentist or dental technician. But I want to pass one important message. NEVER GIVE UP! The things sometimes doesn’t go the way we want. But do not give up! In the end, I am very happy now and I feel good with my new appearance, I've got what I wanted! Thank you LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC! ❤️

George Sonny

My name is George Sonny. I am 42 years old. Let me tell you my story. I am working with Koime Civil Contractor. I lost my 4 front teeth in a fight at beginning of December this year. After the fight, I realised that my 4 front teeth were very loose. They were so loose that 3 of these teeth I removed myself at home! What a loss! I was very worried about my missing teeth. I couldn’t eat and talk properly without my teeth. I was also so embarrassed to speak. Then my boss saw on Facebook about the LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC and that they do teeth replacement. So he brought me to the CLINIC to have my denture done. It was a very good decision. I am very happy now with the denture they made. I feel that I can speak well again and I have my front teeth back. Thank you LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC! 👍🏼 Excellent work!

Amos Tandape

Hello everyone! My name is Amos Tandape. I am 39 years old. I come from Halongali in Hela Province. I am a teacher. I was not happy as I lost my front teeth and it was so embarrassing for me to smile and laugh in front of my students or when cracking jokes with friends. Luckily I have learnt about the services in Lamana Dental Clinic. I knew that they would solve my problem and they make me happy again. I used their service and As result I have my denture and thanks to the new teeth I have the confidence to laugh and smile in front of my students and in public now. It was good decision!
You did a good job ! 👍 THANK YOU!

Kipongi Pundali

Kipongi Pundali emi neim bilong mi. Tru long feisbuk mi bin kisim toksave na mi kam long Wabag long stretim olgeta tit bilong mi. Mi bin feisim hard taim stret long kaikai na long toktok gut tu. But nao mi filim gut stret long smile na mi hamamas olsem problem bilong mi emi stret pinis. So mi laik tok Bigpla Tenkyu long Lamana Dental Clinic, bilong wanem? Gudpela sevis bilong ol 😊 !

Fidelia Yohang

👋🏽 I'm Fidelia Yohang and I live in Lihir. I am a regular client at the LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC, so I dropped by to replace my full teeth which I lost five years back due to illness. I asked kindly if my teeth can be done urgently before my travel, and to my surprise it was done on time and fitted perfectly. I am very happy now! Thank you LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC. 🙏

John Mondia

Hi! My name is John Mondia. I am a Pastor from Chimbu District, currently residing at Ramu Sugar in Madang. I visited a dental clinic before when I was younger. I had a gum disease which made me losing my teeth. I have got a denture that I used for some years. As the time passed I lost more teeth and I had to get new denture. I decided to fly to Port Moresby as I wanted the best service. I visited some dentists. In the end, I decided to get my denture with Lamana Dental Clinic as they were offering very good discount. After they did a denture I was quite surprised. The quality of service was really very good. I can say that I was really happy and satisfied. They gave a warranty period for denture and the denture is really fitting perfectly. I will be happy to come back to the Clinic for treatment. Maybe I will ask for implants next time. We only live once so we should always aim for the best! Preaching the presentation to the church member is very important and I am so happy that I can pronounce words clearly

John Henry

Let me introduce myself. I am John Henry from Gasuke Village in North Fly District. I am 27 years old. Despite my young age some years ago, I lost my teeth. It was not good at all. I felt embarrassed when talking to others and of course I could not eat properly. The food lost its taste, especially meat. Last year however, I found about LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC. I was not convinced to go there for denture but in the end, I decided to try. It was a very good decision. Though it was not easy, they solved my problems, they did a denture that fits perfectly now and I can smile again! Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff involved in the good work they done. Thank you LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC.

Benjamin Wabua

Nem bilong me em Benjamin Wabua. Kristmas bilong me 59 na mi bilong Kikori, Baina village (Gulf province). Em kissim longpla taim liklik lo stretim ol teeth bilong me, clostu 10pla year Igo pinis time me bin lusim teeth bilong me lo 2009 kam inap nau. Lucky tru mi bin save long Lamana Dental Clinic tru long Facebook. Mi bin go long Lamana Dental Clinic na ol I bin halivim me long stretim teeth bilong me, na now mi ken kaikai gut. Mi hamamas nogut turu. Nau me can smile. Me laik tok bigpla Thank you long Lamana Dental Clinic belong gutpla wok na service bilong yupela.

Martha Phono & Nasa Phono

Hello Olgeta! Nem bilong mitupela em Martha Phono na Nasa Phono. Kristmas bilong mitupela em 76 na 78 yias. Mi tupela bilong Rei village, Lou island, Manus Province. 40 pla yias I go pins mitupela I bin lusim olgeta teeth bilong mitupela na mitupela I bin wari na tintin plenti na sa pilim sem lo lukim ol man na laugh or smile lo ol because olgeta teeth bilong mi tupela I bin kam out pinis. Kam inap long dispela yia na tambu man bilong mitupela em I painim out lo Facebook olsem Lamana Dental Clinic ol I ken fixim problem bilong mitupela na mekim mitupela smile gen. Mitupela I tok bikpela thenkyu lo Lamana Dental Clinic na ol wokman blo em lo wok hat tru lo mekim mitupela smile gen. Now mitupela I gat confidence lo lukim ol man na smile lo public.

Loise Amos

Neim bilong mi em Loise Amos, kristmas blo mi 39 years old na mi blo Panguna dirty wara lo AROB. Wanpela year go pinis taim mi bin lusim 3pla frant teeth bilong me. Since me bin lusim ol front teeth bilong me, me bin painim hat lo smile na pilim sem na nogud lo mi yet taim mi stap lo public hap. Mi lainim tru lo Facebook olsem Lamana Dental Clinic ken fixim problem blon mi. Mi laik tok bigpla tok tenkyu lo Lamana Dental Clinic na ol wokman blo em lo bringim bek smile blo mi. Nau me kisim back confidence blo me lo toktok na smile lo public ples.

Jessica Ruben

Nem bilong mi, Jessica Ruben, na mi gat 22 yia krismas. Mi blong Southern Highlands Province. Mi bin lusim fivepela front tit long krismas igo pinis. Na long dispela taim mi save sem lo smile long ol man. Tasol nau mi ken smile gut ken. Mi gat bikpla tok tenkyu tru long Lamana Dental Clinic na ol wokman blong em long mekim gudpela false/giaman tit blong mi na nau mi ken smile gut wantaim bikpela hamamas tru.

Freddy Ravu

My name is Freddy Ravu. I am from ABAU. I lost my front teeth in 2010. I looked bad and I felt very bad about it. In 2022 the LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC revived my look. I am happy now. I can eat properly, I can smile and laugh again. I feel comfortable. For me it is 34th year. I was waiting 12 long years for this happy moment. Thank you so much LAMANA DENTAL CLINIC for your hard work and make my life better.